DC Database

"Powers & Abilities": Day 1

Quote1 We're talking about an alien mutant caterpillar trapped in a larval stage, denied his full potential. I just wanted to see what would happen if I bombarded the slimy little creep with Suspendium radiation, without his consent. Quote2
Doctor Sivana

52 #39 is an issue of the series 52 (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2007.

Synopsis for "Powers & Abilities"

Day 1
Starlight and Skyman sneak into the Alpha Lab at Lexcorp in order to see what Lex Luthor has truly been up to regarding the Everyman Project. They find Luthor's assistant, Dennis Laughlin manipulating one of the computer systems. Just as he becomes aware of their presence, the lab explodes killing him. Mercy Graves rushes in, but Starlight and Skyman manage to avoid her. They do discover that Luthor has succeeded in using the Everyman Project to give himself super-powers.

Day 3
Ralph Dibny and the disembodied Helmet of Nabu travel through the ruins of Atlantis. The Helmet informs Ralph that he needs to acquire a warded link from the Shackles of Arion, an enchanted chain, which currently adorns a large sea creature. To gain the link, an exchange must be made. Ralph gives up his wedding ring as trade for this precious artifact.

Day 5
At Lexcorp, Starlight and Skyman continue to investigate Luthor's activities. They break into another laboratory, and Natasha is horrified to see Jacob Colby's butchered remains lying on a medical table. It is then that she realizes that the man she has been working with is actually the shape-shifter, Everyman. Everyman attacks Natasha and attempts to steal her abilities via consumption. She manages to keep him at bay, but Everyman has a hidden ally – Lex Luthor. Luthor, rippling with power, grabs Natasha and pins her against the wall.

Day 6
On Oolong Island the assembled scientists activate a Boom Tube to transport the Four Horsemen of Apokolips. Doctor Tyme converses with Doctor Sivana who shows him his most recent invention, Suspendium – artificial time in particle form. He confesses that he already used the substance as a test on Mister Mind. Meanwhile, Will Magnus secretly conspires with Mercury of the Metal Men.

In Kahndaq, Black Adam, Isis` and Sobek worry over the mental state of Osiris. Suddenly, a large unexplained thunderclap erupts overhead and all the plants in Isis' garden begin to wither.

Appearing in "Powers & Abilities"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dennis Laughlin



Synopsis for "The Origin of Mister Terrific"

The Origin of Mister Terrific is revealed in this issue.

Appearing in "The Origin of Mister Terrific"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Jeffrey Holt (Single appearance)




  • This issue shipped on January 31st, 2007.
  • The events from Day 6 are shown before the events of Day 5 in this issue.
  • Behind the scenes appearance by Osiris.
  • Red Tornado makes a cameo appearance on a monitor screen only.


  • The ticker-tape on the bottom of the cover reads, "Montoya fights a dragon!... Lex Luthor: Man of Steel?!... "

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
