DC Database

This hardcover Batman collection is a collection of Batman stories illustrated by Marshall Rogers.


This collection reprints stories from the following comic book issues:

(Battle of the Thinking Machines from April, 1977)
(The Dead Yet Live from July, 1977)
(I Am the Batman! from September, 1977)
(The Malay Penguin from November, 1977)
(The Deadshot Ricochet from December, 1977)
(The Laughing Fish from February, 1978)
(Sign of the Joker! from April, 1978)
(The Coming of... Clayface III! from August, 1978)
(If a Man be Made of Clay from October, 1978)
(Death Strikes at Midnight and Three from June, 1978)
(Ticket to Tragedy from January, 1979)
(The Secret Origin of Batman from September, 1986)
(Siege, Part One: Assembly from August, 2000)
(Siege, Part Two : Assault from September, 2000)
(Siege, Part Three: Breach from October, 2000)
(Siege, Part Four: Battle from November, 2000)
(Siege, Part Five: Defense from December, 2000)
(Some Enchanted Evening from July, 2005)
(You May See a Stranger from July, 2005)
(Two Faces Have I from August, 2005)
(Thriller from August, 2005)
(Everybody Dance Now from September, 2005)
(House from September, 2005)

