DC Database

"...With Good Intentions": Fritz Olmstedt announces victory to his Perfect Security goons, who are testing out their experimental weaponry on civilians. He tells them the city is theirs and they should enjoy it. The goons attempt to visit a jazz concert they are excited about, but the band refus

Quote1 There are no "ultimate ends," Batsy. Only games and more games. The winner this round is the loser next round... and around... and around... Quote2
The Riddler

Batman: Run, Riddler, Run #3 is an issue of the series Batman: Run, Riddler, Run (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1992.

Synopsis for "...With Good Intentions"

Fritz Olmstedt announces victory to his Perfect Security goons, who are testing out their experimental weaponry on civilians. He tells them the city is theirs and they should enjoy it. The goons attempt to visit a jazz concert they are excited about, but the band refuses to play for fascists. Outside they are confronted with their own smashed CD collection, and they realize Batman is taunting them. Olmstedt continues to blackmail DiForza into going along with his schemes. The Riddler checks in with his parole officer, who gets frustrated trying to decipher his cryptic responses.

The Perfect Security soldiers begin attacking more poor citizens in an attempt to draw out Batman, who has not been seen in several days. He reappears and breaks through the window to rescue Roberta Cifuentes. They follow Batman into the subway, where he begins stealthily taking out their armor suits one-by-one using the environment. Eventually this fight leads to the amusement park at Mooney Island, where he beats the final lone soldier and steals his exo-skeleton. Batman takes the suit to the Riddler where they examine it together for ways to beat Olmstedt, and prove that Olmstedt framed Batman for murder. Riddler reminds Batman that defeating Olmstedt will destroy the New Gotham project. Batman says he once supported it, but now recognizes that citizens must be enlisted in the creation of their own communities rather than imposing control from above.

When Olmstedt submits his report on Batman to the Mayor, Commission Gordon burns it with a lighter in front of everyone at the meeting. Gordon accuses Olmstedt of fabricating events to justify approval for his military tactics in the streets, which he believes will set the city on fire. Olmstedt accuses Gordon of being a coward unwilling to do what is necessary, just like those who destroyed his government in East Germany. Bruce Wayne arrives to reassure DiForza that he will take Olmstedt down, further infuriating Olmstedt. Mayor Lieberman declares an emergency in the interest of public safety and grants unlimited police power to Perfect Security. Gordon announces his plans to resign over the Mayor unleashing a paramilitary force to protect a corporate development.

The Perfect Security soldiers continue their brutal tactics, leaving the Bat symbol behind in an attempt to frame Batman further. Olmstedt decides to go out into the field and search for Batman with them. Now that his offices are undefended, Batman and the Riddler attempt to sneak in. They are forced to navigate through Riddler's shark-infested maze which has been altered by Olmstedt. They are nearly crushed by a sliding block puzzle. Finally, they must cross a giant typewriter pressing the keys in the correct order or else it will explode. Batman threatens to throw Riddler onto the keys until Riddler admits that he could easily solve these new puzzles himself, he just enjoyed watching Batman in action. Olmstedt is waiting to ambush them in his office, and they narrowly escape the gunfire.

Olmstedt orders his men to return to the tower. Roberta Cifuentes realizes something is going on and mobilizes her citizen activist group. The police also send units to converge on the tower. Chaos erupts outside between police and protesters until Gordon and Cifuentes agree to work together. Batman easily dispatches the soldiers with a remote shut-off safeguard. The Riddler is sent to find DiForza and escort her to safety before she can be executed as a witness, but she is unable to figure out his riddle. Olmstedt tracks her down and begins viciously beating DiForza with his metal gauntlets. Batman arrives too late to save her, and he brutally dukes it out with Olmstedt. Olmstedt sees the Riddler about to escape with video evidence of his crimes, and tries to chase him but dies in the shark maze. Batman is furious at the Riddler for allowing this death to happen, but there is no evidence left to convict the Riddler of any crime. The Riddler taunts Batman about this and is immediately knocked out with a hit to the face.

In the aftermath, Batman is exonerated. Donna DiForza announces a new "New Gotham" plan backed by Bruce Wayne. Roberta Cifuentes is announced as the Director of the New Gotham Project, and promises a new coalition in city government. The Riddler is returned to prison for missing an appointment with his parole officer.

Appearing in "...With Good Intentions"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Perfect Security
    • Friedrich "Fritz" Olmstedt (Dies)
  • The Riddler

Other Characters:


  • Gotham City
    • Downbeat (jazz club)
    • Mooney Island (blatantly Coney Island)



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
