DC Database

Bellachek Temple is a flamboyant American businessman with secret motivations to destroy Commodore Murphy of the Green Team.

Publicly, the US Government hired Temple to save the planet from a potentially deadly meteor that could smash into it. One of Temple Industries' subsidiaries provided lobbyists with data that suggested the meteor would crash into southern California. He planned to strip the meteor and get paid to harvest its rare ores and minerals -- making a fortune without spending a dime of his own.

Privately, he was working with supervillains to further his goals. He worked with Riot to develop nanite armor technology that could be used to grant Riot immortality.

Temple's team had the armor prototype on the meteor. The Green Team flew to the meteor to investigate the nanite technology where they discovered that Temple intended to crash it into Earth on purpose. Temple hired Icicle to guard the meteor and drive it into Earth when his scientists had finished mining it. During a battle between Icicle and the Green Team, the meteor exploded, ostensibly dooming everyone on its surface to a fiery death. Commodore Murphy, however, was able to use his nanite technology to pilot the fragment to Chicago, directly to Bellacheck himself.

Temple comfirmed that he had worked with Riot to develop the suits, creating super-powered users. Temple ordered his security team to murder La Teesha (the surviving scientist) and the Green Team before leaving the scene. Murphy convinced the security team to bring the team back to Temple so that he could study their nascent superpowers. Temple murdered the guard who had defied his orders and fled before the battle between the Green Team and Riot brought down his building.


  • Bellachek Temple and Icicle are "boinking".[1]


