DC Database

Blaze is an extradimensional demon who formerly incarcerated in The Block. She is also a reluctant ally of Raven and a ruler of hell.

A inhabitant of a region of hell she considered home, Blaze would be pulled into the The Block inadvertantly due to a teleporation accident involving Shay Veritas and was subqentionally contained. Later, when Supergirl and Lobo fought, Shay attempted to enlist Blaze's aid, believing her powers to be formidable enough. Instead, she used the circumstances to fasciliate her escape, gaining an interest in Supergirl in the process.

Some time after, she would return to Hell and would aid the Titans against Neron, a rival whose reputation was at risk due to his humiliating efforts at attempting to reclaim the soul a young metahuman, Nightbuster, whom inherited the abilities of one of his clients, and is pitted against the Titans. Not wanting Neron to rise again to attack Nightbuster or her friends, Raven deposes Neron and allows Blaze to take over as the new ruler of Hell in exchange for a favor and staying out of her way, something in which Blaze agrees to.


  • Demonic Physiology: A powerful extradimensional demon, Shay Veritas belived she was the only being within the The Block capable of contending with a Kryptonian and a Czarnian respectively.[1]
    • Demonic Magic: Blaze possess magical abilities considered to be demonic in nature.
      • Invisibility: Blaze can turn invisible, rending her unable to be detected by even advanced technology.[2]
      • Transmutation: Blaze can transmute technology to something more occult-like and access information from it similar to a hack.[2]
      • Teleportation: Blaze can bend space at will, allowing her to teleport.[2]




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