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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Axel Storm (New Earth).

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(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 For years, sudden inspirations came to me, when my brain appeared to go into a turmoil and-- I got sensational ideas! I realized after a time that these "brain storms" occurred when radio-energy emanations from the stars were at their height! Just as unleashed atomic energy is all around us, so is stellar energy-- That vast radiation that comes to Earth from the stars. Radio telescopes pick it up-- But only I have been able to master it! Albert Einstein taught the world how to harness atomic energy. I did the same with stellar energy-- during which time I learned that a certain metallic compound gathered in that star-radiation, heightening my brain-power so I could put it to any use I desired! Quote2

--Axel Storm (New Earth)

Quote1 I understand you Justice League members work with the authorities to see justice done. I, too, am concerned with justice-- But my personal brand of justice! I suppose because of my many brain storms-- My brain may have become warped... But warped or not-- I have vowed personal vengeance on my brother's killer! Quote2

--Axel Storm (New Earth)

All items (2)
