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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Blackhawk (Quality Universe).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I couldn't be wrong about von Tepp! Not him! You see ... it was because of von Tepp that I became the Blackhawk! It started during the last World War! ... Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Strangers grabbing a small island ... strategically located! That sounds like the work of a certain power we know, eh, gentlemen? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We can't blow up the dam, Andre! We'd cripple every industry in Borgavia if we did that! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 This is nothing but a vicious seizure of power! We are sworn to oppose any such unjust oppression! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 As for me, I don't want much excitement! I'll go and loaf on the beach of the sleepy island of Largo! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Men, the Aggressor Nation has just invaded the Democracy of Malkaria! That's enough reason for us to back the Malkarians in their fight for survival! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That's how Skell should die! By hanging! ... And there's plenty of rope left in the world to settle all the other skunks! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The Horror Bomb helps to avert the horror of a new world war! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Let the chain go on destroying those who forged it until it runs out of fuel! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Hendrickson, I'll listen to the story alone! The rest of you split up and scout the city! Notice every mysterious corner, every sinister person in sight! Then report back here! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 As a sky fighter, King Cobra is absolute poison! No pilot has ever lived after challenging King Cobra! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yes, strange! Our spies are all over the world ... usually they warn us of emergencies where we are needed! But lets go to Samos City and see for ourselves! PLANES EVERYBODY! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Not really for you, Carlova! We were striking a blow for justice generally! I'm glad you're safe now, but please don't take all the credit to yourself! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Remember, the folk of Frangastan, though brave and strong, are little more than barbarians! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Citizens of Fusang, you are without a president or government! Somewhere you must find a leader and a program to follow! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The only real peace must be shared! The people of Alua will recover and share the world's duty to WORK for peace! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You call it wondrous? It looks like a clutter of ruins ... a fit abode for your stupid worship of Evil! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Hmmm! The Mokaras are uninhabited islands due south of here! We can be there in twenty minutes! Get ready for take-off, men! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 There's the full plot, people of Brovia! Did you hear it all clearly over our belt radios? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We've already arranged for a peace conference in the capital of Prelna tomorrow! Your nations can exist in harmony! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It's going toward Larovia! I'll contact the other Blackhawks then we'll set down there and see what happens! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We'll talk about that later, Chop Chop! Chuck, let's fly around Banglow and take a look! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Some human rats are trying to take over Science City! Let's clean them out! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I have a plan, Chuck! Its success depends upon guessing where the next blow will fall! My guess is Beran! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Well, it's over, gang ... and don't worry about our jets! They all needed an overhauling and it's time we modernized our reserve jets for combat flight anyway! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Look - a wig and a phoney moustache! This isn't President Vallin! It's an ASSASSIN in make-up! We've been tricked! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I can't believe President Anish and the people of Posnia are behind this! Give me 24 hours to investigate before you declare war, sir! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Fly to Bragen instead! I don't want to start throwing lead into a fracas until I know what's cooking! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Urovaya has always been a democracy! Its citizens are among the most prosperous and free people in the world! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You and your fellow conspirators in the Perotian government have been trying to drum up a war against Brazos! As Ambassadress, you've done your best to stir up dissension and mistrust between both countries! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You can stop lying, Madame Mainot! Your agents have already confessed everything! YOU are the secret head of the war party in Perotia --- Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 They were unnatural creatures --- not meant to survive in the present world! But Professor Andrew Jensen's experiments will be valuable in other ways! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 There it is ... the half completed bridge spanning Kerently and Balvania! If Luck's with us, we'll get across! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Today is Zonia's Independence Day! Whoever's trying to stir up trouble, will do it while the President makes his speech! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'd say it was fired by someone who wanted to start a war between Zonia and Brijal! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Relax, gang! It's a plane bearing the national emblem of the Republic of Brone! They must bring us news of the calamity! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That takes care of their armor, gang! Let's land and give Brovina a hand with the mop-up! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Hit 'em hard, gang! Smash everything this side of Prav but don't strike beyond the border! We're only here to repel this invasion! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That's enough, men! Let this be a lesson to you, Darkk! Any more plotting against Casolo's freedom, and you'll end in jail! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That's why I'm giving it to the Citadel of Science to control! I radioed them I'm delivering it today! They're excited! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Here in Tai-Yan you have full power! Use it for mercy on the people! Don't starve or work innocent civilians to death! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Citizens of Costania ... your attention, please! This is Blackhawk speaking! Your country is in great peril! your government is corrupt and your freedom is in danger! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It leads there -- the abandoned old prison the Costonyan government sold at auction last year! A scientist named Yorga bought it! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Grim justice, Doga, but fair! Trouble here in Dabat might set all Asia aflame! I am glad we could help you! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Ha! Ha! No, nothing like that, Sheik! We're merely tourists, anxious to glimpse the charm and allure of this ancient land! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The Oracle of Delya is getting famous, Chop Chop! We aren't the only ones who are curious about her! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Rumors came to me and my friends of how your city is dominated by crime and evil! We plan to change that! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Moscow is still further away ... yet the Kremlin's designs reach out into every corner of the world! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Hear that, Chuck? The Bavalan Islands get a visit from us after all! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I've learned not to laugh at anything until I know all the truth! And I'll learn the truth of this Green Plague Country! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Well, since this country comes under no established law, you can't be tried or punished! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We're strangers in this underwater land! We don't understand ... the ruler said there were rebels who disputed his right to govern! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I know one man in Genoa who knows everything, about everyone, Hendrickson! His name is Luigi! He owns a restaurant on the waterfront! Come on! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Tell Miss Diana Lewis that I've gone to the North Pole for a vacation and I won't be back for a hundred and thirty years! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Allow me to point out the way of most enlightened nations! Every citizen chooses his own form of worship, and peace and harmony result! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yes, and be rewarded for helping smash this bunch of rats! Get in, and we'll teach you a verse of our favorite song! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Boorn! We know his record and his foul potentialities! We'll leave now to divide and comb the city for clues! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 They're demanding that Congress start investigating us! We're being accused of treason! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Oh, I travel without weapons, Ma'am. Don't think I'd need any to handle the few roughnecks you've got here. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You're the leader of your bunch ... I'm the leader of mine! Shouldn't we both get into this? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Don't be afraid, boys! Grab hold of me and see how it feels to touch a real man! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We Blackhawks are always doing this sort of thing --- sometimes it seems tiresome --- but it's the only thing your sort of person seems to understand! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You speak a very modern tongue for an ancient ruler! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Chuck, peel off and buzz the island with me! The rest of you stay high and keep an eye open for trouble! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Let's go! A jehad means a holy war, Moslem against Christian! One of those could set the whole world aflame! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 They didn't, thank the God of Luck! But I'm sorry we lost sight of them so easily! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We don't want to mess into a genuine civil war! But keep an eye peeled for Emissary X and that secret weapon! We don't want him turning a civil strife into a war of conquest! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Wrong, Chop Chop! You're my personal secretary! Hop in here and help me do about a million things at once! We have to rig up a Constitution, American style! But my first job will be this presidential pardon for Zorillo! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We're falling like a rock! Got to pull out of it slowly --- or I'll crumple the wings! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 What's gotten into you, Olaf? I never heard you ... why, why I don't want to fight any more, either! I'm tired of violence! We'll all stay here and enjoy peace! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Let them have it, gang! Show no mercy to killers like them! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'd hoped to keep bullets out of this --- but you rats don't deserve mercy! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It isn't hard to guess what country would benefit most from a rebellion in this region! If their agent stole that mummy, and - - - Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 If that's the case, we'll climb right into trouble! We don't know how many of them there are, but don't be stingy with your bullets! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Someday, perhaps all warmakers will disappear like that -- without a trace, leaving the Earth serene and peaceful. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 "Education" camps! How can people swallow such double-talk? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 No, he's still breathing, Chuck! But he's carrying enough shrapnel in him to kill two ordinary men! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 When you sat down, your hands automatically started to makes the motions of a man hitching up his trousers to avoid creasing them! Very strange ... since you "future" people wore shorts! Habit gave you away ... like the habit of underestimating democratic people! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Show them no mercy! They would have slaughtered the women and children of the village! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That's what betrayed him, sir! That shooting was a staged fake! I knew that the moment I saw these wads from blank shells on the ground! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Die, you poor excuse for a depraved madman! You'll rule over the Legion of the Doomed no longer! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 When nothing happened to my mind, I realized you must be around so I just played along! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It's sea water subjected to intense atomic bombardment that makes it radioactive! If we don't find and stop Dr. Cuda's hidden atom plant, he can destroy the world! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Let's aviate, men! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It's a well-planned devilish device! Gyroscopic stabilizers installed in the inner hull keep it upright, while it spins at this terrific pace and creates the tornado effect! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 This "monocle" I took from the dead man is just plain glass -- but the real Von Tepp needed a seeing glass for his weak right eye! So I knew the dead man was a phony! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Because, Andre, a creature who had never seen our civilization would hardly know enough to surrender by RAISING HIS HANDS! It proved they had knowledge of modern world gun play! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 He was a threat to Mankind! It had to be done! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 This identification ring on its leg is the answer! I've a hunch this bird once belonged to a circus and flew away! That's why it understands instructions! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I've a feeling he's still alive ... and that we'll be running into the War Master again some day! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Vultures are characteristically greedy ... they stuff themselves so much on their victims that they can't fly for hours! That's what happened to YOU! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'm going to find out just how powerful this iron baby of yours is, Panic! By overfeeding the drill's motors, I may run it into a mechanical nervous breakdown! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It figured, Andre! I haven't met a Red yet that can take defeat with a smile! When they lost that election I knew they'd start trouble! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Great Caesar, fellows! Those fiends are rushing Chop Chop and Hendrickson directly to the airport! They intend getting them behind the Iron Curtain fast! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We'll stop the Wolf with the very weapon he uses, Stanislaus ... a SUBMARINE! We Blackhawks will build a SUPER-SUB capable of blasting his entire pack out of the water! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Gang, gang! Be careful ... That thing's as powerful as a locomotive! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 All of our tactics are patterned for seven men! The absence of Chuck renders these battle and flight attacks useless! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Lucifer! A bull tusker on a rampage! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That Commie is too smooth! I don't trust him or any Commie "patriot"! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Beat them off! Another thousand meters and we'll be across the border! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Chop Chop's a Blackhawk! And no Blackhawk can refuse a call for help if he's able to answer it! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The world isn't big enough for your evil schemes, Terra! We'll accept your challenge! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It seems hopeless! It would take months for them to get back their split-second timing and initiative that made the Blackhawks invulnerable! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I know something about botany ... This wheat looks as if it didn't have enough sunlight! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I've never heard of Zell ... but I've heard of Leuchtenberg! A man named Cloud is expected to seize the government any day now! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The new Prince-Protector of the will be crowned here tomorrow! We're to find out if his enemies are in town! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Break up into pairs and circulate throughout the town! Try to pick up some information that might help us! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The Blackhawks are behind you, Dr. Torrn! We only waited for your people to WANT freedom strongly enough to fight for it! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 These are letters from a certain AGGRESSOR NATION to your precious Strogg! They prove that Strogg is an agent of world revolution! He wants to hand over your people as slaves to his bosses! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Just don't get Chop Chop excited ... His trigger finger might tremble! Come on, Skendor! We're visiting the dungeon! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 And wine is forbidden by the law of Allah! What I suspected is true ... You're no desert tribesman, but an outlaw from the western people! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 But if you lend Fordnoy all this money, how will you hope to get it back? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Look out, Buddy! Touch me and you may fall apart suddenly! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 He's way overdue! He slipped across the borders into Lokaria to see what has happened since the Aggressor took over the country ... and I haven't heard from him since! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You SADISTIC SCREWBALL!! What's the big idea? THAT ISN'T ANDRE'S FACE!! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I've followed your name and this briefcase around the world ... and I've seen enough to know that the world will be better off without either of you !! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Squeeze in, you monkey ... and what made you think you could fly? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It's difficult to believe that Ghandi's responsible for this. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Well we won't be taking any prisoners tonight, boys. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Boys and girls, Vladim, our Blackhawk designer has just revamped our Grumman Skyrockets to suit our own needs .. Here are the plans, we'll use them in our next adventure! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Oh, I don't know! ... That carrier is pretty hand to have around at the moment! ... We need gas! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'll remain here with Olaf and Andre! Hendrickson, take charge, and bring the Squadron back in FORTY-EIGHT HOURS! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That flag was once flown by the bravest and most tragic of armies. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 She's leaving tomorrow! That's final! A woman doesn't belong on Blackhawk Island! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You fool! That's who I came to see! -- Your commander! -- Call your stooges off or I'll do you into a fancy true-love knot! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I could kill you like a fly! But another tyrant would replace you! Therefore I let you LIVE -- in hopes you will show sense and mercy! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Hurry! We've got things to do -- and lots of Japs to do them to! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 March me there, as if you were going to lock me up! One false move, and I'll break off your neck at the waist! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Warriors of Mongolia! I have come to expose this man who calls himself Genghis Khan! I challenge him to battle! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Do you think that would be dignified? Remember you're a queen, and I'm only an ordinary citizen of the world! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You're all under arrest -- And don't give me any arguments! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Well, gang, what do you say? - - We don't split up after all? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 She got away -- before I found out who she was! Hang it, women are always more slippery than men! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Contagious poison? Something so strong that it will kill even those who come near the victim? Science doesn't admit such a thing! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'm well acquainted with stab wounds ... and I'll take my oath that this was not done with a regulation military dagger. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Our only hope is BATTLE! If they set off their explosives, the eruptions will damage the upper world as well as yours! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I've pulled this trick so often I'm surprised it still works! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Andre, you're the best man with a sword ... and Stanislaus will take the pistol! Now we'll face anybody! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Right, Andre ... so Chop Chop and I will try a crash landing! Stay on our radio beam and obey any orders we flash back! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I NEVER obey orders! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Unless the Condor Man has come to life, the pilot was imagining things! There's nothing more I can do except to report what happened! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I see aircraft rising and forming for battle! Give 'em the special Blackhawk treatment ... follow through! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Make every shot count! Not one of these rats deserves to live! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 A jet job! I can turn inside him but he'll get me on the straight-away! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yes my men are foreign born or of foreign descent -- but what American isn't? Does that make them less loyal, less patriotic than you or others? My men bear allegiance to only one ruler ... JUSTICE! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I suppose that queer-looking monkey is the chief of this crew! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 When it was reported there were no traces of explosive, I knew there must be a broadcast of power acting on the target itself ... some ray which changes ordinary elements into explosives. I worked fast to discover a neutralizer for myself and my men! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'll keep one! Andre, you and Chuck are our experimenters ... Examine the other! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The Scorpion? I've heard stories about him! But I always believed that he was only a legend! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Scatter over the world! Use the help of all our friends ... trace the movements of this man who calls himself King Earthquake! Chop Chop and I will study certain natural wonders ... Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Gentlemen, we're in a position to act as judge and jury! What's your verdict on Arda Thorn? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Others have tried to doom me in the past, and it didn't take! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 In the name of the Allied Democracies, I take possession of this world and all it contains! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That completes the emergency, Baroness! And your nation's secret envoy need not even know of the danger that threatened! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Keep your government's secrets, Baroness Rilla! Jaromir said he could kill everyone at this party! That tells us his weapon! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I'll see Mr. Potter to his ship! You fellows turn these rats over to the Rebolo authorities and meet me at the airport! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Arrest that rat, Mr. President! We'll see to the defenses! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 What you want is to line up Nubard on your side! Your government hopes to take this port over as a strategic base for the next war! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Ditto, Hendrickson! But we haven't done badly! One of their subs won't ever see home again! And the base is saved! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We're going to trace them to their home town ... RADIEN! Head for the flying field and warm up our planes! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Don't spread it on so thick! You're nothing very frightening or mysterious! You're just a nervy, greedy criminal who has frightened peace-loving people into sharing their possessions with you! They didn't dare challenge you or hunt for you ... but you were easy to find! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I know already! Jamil Island is STUFFED WITH EXPLOSIVES! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 We remember those tyrants, Your Excellency! We helped defeat them and form the democratic government that serves Karastan today! What evidence have you to go on? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Something peculiar about the ground down there! It's a camouflage job! See the dividing line that runs between the surface rocks and the shrubbery? Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Whatever you are, wherever you came from ... get out now! The people of Voslia want no emperor, iron or otherwise! We warn you ... Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 The 'Return of Genghis Khan' might have been just a Red scheme to subdue resistance movements! But I'm not sure .. I'll never be sure .... Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Everybody! We are going to fly over that mountain and scout for any Death-Demons that dare show their ugly faces! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Because the Death-Demons are destroyed! Look, here's one of them ... a man like you, but not so attractive! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Maybe those Death-Demons will come in for some punishment themselves! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 It's no use hunting, gang! We couldn't spot a herd of elephants through these trees! Break off and land at San Edra! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 This little adventure will get around! You'll not have any more trouble from raiders! Work that tin mine for your own benefit! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Planes, everybody! We're off for Pirou! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 He was a great man! We mustn't fail him! We must carry out his last wish ... to give his invention to Rurvania! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 You had no choice, Guard! Your dictator's madness had to be proven to you! You can withdraw Voltania's border troops! There will be no need for them -- now that you are at peace once again! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 A hundred years ago was 1848! In those days, slavery and oppression were still common ... still practiced! Stand by your planes, the rest of you! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 ... and as for you, my friend ... when we get to that island, you're going to pay an old debt! .. involving one bombed farmhouse and two dead kids!! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Our old crates will have to do for another day! Helping the U.S. Air Force is more important! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 There have always been rumors of hot springs here at the pole! Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Freedom for many people is a long way off. As long as there are men who wish to be tyrants our job isn't finished. If we have helped bring peace and freedom to the world we can't quit when our task is only half done. Let's finish our job. Quote2

--Blackhawk (Quality Universe)

All items (179)
