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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Edward Nigma (Earth-One).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I'm clever enough at puzzles to baffle the police -- yes, and Batman, too. Why don't I commit puzzling crimes? I'll make each crime a duel of wits between myself and the law -- and fix the puzzles so I'll always win! Quote2

--Edward Nigma (Earth-One)

Quote1 You used a trick to solve my puzzle! It isn't fair! Quote2

--Edward Nigma (Earth-One)

Quote1 Crook -- me?! Why, I -- I demand an apology! Quote2

--Edward Nigma (Earth-One)

Quote1 And now, Two-Face, you understand why my cigar was like my testimony... because they both went boom at the end! Quote2

--Edward Nigma (Earth-One)

Quote1 From sediments of cork to sentiments of crime-- for baffling the Batman now is the time! Quote2

--Edward Nigma (Earth-One)

All items (5)
