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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Harvey Dent (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I'm looking at a dead man, right? No! I'm looking at the leftovers! You thought you could fool everyone!? You thought Batman is something that could be replaced!? I thought you people understood the truth about masks. About identity. You realy believe everything that he was is a suit? A car? Body armor? A cowl? No. Batman's dead. So what does that make you? Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 I've been playing. I could have shot you... two in the face. But I want you to live. I want you to see what you've helped create this time around. I want you to feel every death I cause... knowing that you helped to cause it by helping to recreate me. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Who do you think I am-- the Riddler? This is no game I play! This is obsession! I do what I do because of what fate has made me-- not because I enjoy "matching wits" with the Batman! Nor do I particularly care to make his life hell-- as the Joker does! Fate has cursed me with duality-- and I decided long ago that it is my ugly, evil side which dominates! Similarly, Batman's fate-given destiny is to oppose evil and ugliness. I act and he reacts! Let him come! I never run!! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Harvey Dent is a married man, Porter. Don't ever forget that. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Everyone has a part to play. And no, I won't tell you your lines before it is time to go on. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 The longer they suspect Harvey Dent is the Hangman, the more... complicated things become for us. It has to stop. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 My people... soon they will have that which fate has denied them -- a refuge from the staring eyes of a society obsessed with beauty and perfection. A chance to forget the world and maybe... forgive it. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 You should know better by now. Fate has chosen... and cannot be denied. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 This is me using you, you arrogant waddling buffoon...see, while you're here bleeding out...Gordon and his cops have just annexed your southern border..which means your territory, instead of doubling, has just been reduced by half. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 One second. You both know, don't you? There were two holiday killers. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Relax, officer...we're all friends here. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Just two questions for you… who are you? And where's the real Batman? Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 God is dead. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 If I've got even half a chance of beating you, I intend to take it! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Before it's all over, I wanted you to know... it wasn't me that killed you. It was the Bat. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 "Marcel Marceau leads million mime march…"? Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Hero is just a concept. Call someone a hero long enough, and they'll believe it. They'll become it. They have no choice. Let them call you a monster, and you become a monster. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Plastic surgeon? I hate plastic surgeons! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Two heads are better than one. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 I want you to see-- how you'll die! Ugly, you'll die... ugly as the accident that made me a freak! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Punishment--and "rehabilitation"-- The paradoxically opposed forces of the two-faced system I once served as districtt attorney Harvey Dent...and whose judgement I now hold in my hand. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 The whole language and logic of computers is contained in two values. One and zero. One. Zero. One. Zero. Into infinity. Two values that can be made to mean anything. The sum of human knoledge in just those two. One and zero. Two sides of a coin. Two posibilities leading to endless possibilities. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Some people go to the beach to forget their problems. They can watch the waves for hours. I understand the fascination. There's a pattern -- then there is no pattern. It's the same with the coin. We want it all to mean something -- We want to find the pattern -- But in the final analysis, it's just waves. The only absolute stays hidden like some glittering Snake, waiting in mirrored silence for the opportunity to strike. My hand trembles. I stare into the glass. Something terrible stares back. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 "Why are we doing this? Because we are now two faces. One good, the other bad. Half-and-half. Fifty fifty. Opposite and equal. And we're deadlocked. When that happens... we let the coin decide." Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Point is... just indulge me here... if you can make me just like you, then it follows I can make you just like me. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 You see... the very nature of the law is arbitrary. You've got a better chance of justice in this town by, say, flipping a coin, than putting yourself at the mercy of this or any other court. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Once again my lucky coin will decide your fate, Batman! Only this time, it will be a giant coin! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Our meetings are like a familiar drama, I've grown used to them over the years, but not so used to them that I don't wish to rewrite the climax! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 I wish you luck. But I can't untoss the coin. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Two faces -- both as perfect as mine once was. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Heads...you lose. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 In the matter of the people versus James Gordon, the charges are breach of contract, negligent homicide--multiple counts--and derelection of duty. A plea of not guilty having been entered by the defense, I have set a trial date for...now. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Hearing all that, I had to make a decision! I flipped my two-headed coin-- One face perfect, the other scarred-- And it came up clean! Escape was a simple matter! I always was good at a double-cross! And that, Leaguers-- is why I'm here! Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Renee, that's what I love about you. You never lose your sense of humor. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Two faces... just like this mirror... two faces and two minds... Can't fix them until they're one, right? Right? Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

Quote1 Haven't you heard Huntress? This is Arkham now. Quote2

--Harvey Dent (New Earth)

All items (36)
