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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Helena Bertinelli (New Earth).

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(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Every hero has a story, not that I'm some kind of hero. But there comes a point when to survive, the hunted must become the Huntress. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I'll make you proud. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 So, nothing condescending to say about my new costume? You weren't exactly focused the last time you saw it. You're welcome by the way. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I should have killed him when I had the chance. That thought, I can't get rid of it. And every time I leave one of them alive... be it a mobster or one of Arkham's monsters... that's one more animal that's going to be back on the streets, just waiting to destroy a life. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Oracle? Shouldn't you be taking the new Bat-brat for walkies or something? Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 My life is different. My life is a means to an end. I have dedicated it to a real cause. I do not mind losing it... if I can achieve an end. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 If the Geraldine aren't around and the neighbours won't do anything and nobody else gives a damn whether this woman is in pain... then I'll always be 'dressed oddly'! It will always be 'important to me'! I'll always be out to protect people like her! Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 If I had any brains... I'd leave that costume packed up forever. But if I didn't do what the Huntress does... surely someone else would! Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 How could anybody be so... so stupid? He looked like... like some kind of clown out there-- a performer, there to attract attention to himself more than anything else! Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I come from a place where no one has to live in fear... Where no one has to apologize for being without! A place where people help the less fortunate... rather than torment them. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 This is trouble... but it's trouble I'll have to live with for the time being. If this guy does what he says he can... he'll bring peace to the neighborhood for the time being... And right now... I'll do anything for that! Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Sympathy may be reserved for the victims, but it gets harder and harder to tell the victims, there's so many of them. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I didn't come all this way to be ignored. Respected, certainly... Yielded to, definitely... But never ignored. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 She gains her power by creating a new identity -- and so do I. She has her tricks for making her clients behold her with awe... inspire fear in those around her... and I'm not so different... not so different at all... Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 The name is the Huntress... I'll engrave it on your memories. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 You're joking, of course. You killed my family... my father... and you picked over his remains like ghouls. Now you want a... a concubine? Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Be worthy of my trust. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Horrible revelations about my father - what he was and what he did - are going to continue spilling out... diary or no diary. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 The rules have changed, lover. In fact, they've been erased. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 That was a pretty cute trick you borrowed from the movies. "Fistful of Dollars", right? Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 If this is getting too ugly, you can take a walk, kid. But I'm not playing anymore. I know scum like this. And I know how to make them jump. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Thought you'd slip away without me catching you, huh? Thought I wouldn't remember where I'd seen you before? Like I wouldn't recognize you by your little outfit. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Gotham needs buttkickers, not shining knights. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I thought of myself as a kind of nun...totally devoted to my quest. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Everything's always okay until someone hunts you down and kills you. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 New to California? Me, too! Word of advice: They are not smoker-friendly! Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I had to avenge my family, blood cries for blood. But more blood is just more blood. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Helena Bertinelli is gone. She was a facade, masking a great deal of pain. Masking her feelings. Masking her fears. The old facade has cracked. The stoic, the sharp tongue... all broken down to provide fuel for a new self. Helena thought she was intimidating. She couldn't scare anybody. It's time to invent someone who can. To confront the ultimate killers, I must construct the ultimate alias. To combat the murderers who would destroy my family, crush my own life on their way to consuming everything. I must become a greater, more fearsome destroyer. To track down the animals who prey on the innocent, I must stalk them first... I am no longer their quarry. I am... the Huntress. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 'Was that -- Gumby? Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 So it's back to the war. Back to the streets. Back to the Huntress. But this time it's going to be different. Lots of things are going to be different. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 You sanctimonious... You're looking for fair play in Gotham? I got you all wrong, Batman. I thought we became what we are for the same reasons; because the streets took away everything we loved. I thought I knew what you were about. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 This has opened my eyes, Batman. I don't think I want to be part of your happy little family. Not if the rules mean letting murdering trash like this walk the streets. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Robin told me I was on probation with Batman. I had to be a good girl if I wanted to fit in. If that means saving the life of scum like that, I don't want in their little club. Hell, I think I'm the kind of hero Gotham deserves. I may be the only hero Gotham has left. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 In his eyes, he's the only one who's flawless. And when you do fail, he'll make you pay for it. For your sake, I hope the price won't be too high. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 You...you're as mad as Joker is...as sick and as evil and as wrong... Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 It's fighting, but it's just a different kind of fighting ... I have an idea how to save the future. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I told them they had eighty-three thousand years to lay their traps and hide their weapons. It seemed obvious: The kids in school had been burying stuff in a little time capsule to themselves in the eighth grade ... and my idea became a plan and saved the future. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 Every word you say is like a pitchfork to my dignity. All right. We'll get some food. But no place public. And I reserve the right to shoot you if you irritate me again. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 I strongly suspect this is going to hurt. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

Quote1 This is very important to me, Don Sigiorello. If I've been improper, I hope you'll forgive me. I'd rather do this with your blessing, than without. Quote2

--Helena Bertinelli (New Earth)

All items (40)
