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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells).

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Quote1 I promised. Where you go, I will follow. Even if I think we should never have come to Moscow. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 Papa saw the Great War, and the Revolution, too. Crowds become mobs, cities burn, and the good of one generation becomes the evil of the next. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 No... Tenebrae Night Witches! This -- It can't be! You were my friends! Who shot you down? Who shot you down?! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 Mera understood. "The needs of the many..." This is right. This, finally, is the clear and true and right thing. I will do what I must to protect the ones I love. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 A counter-proposal, Squadron Leader Melikov. "NO". Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 The one I loved most is dead. This is not a fanciful tale. The dead that rise are not the same as the dead that return, whole and revived. The one I loved is not coming home to me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 Ms. Starikov is happy to dance with you, Mr. Luthor, but she can assure you that she will be of no use to whatever schemes you are planning. I have not been able to fly since my sister's death. I hold no value as a pawn. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 No future is set in stone. No life is so far gone. All paths can be altered. All states can change. But you can see that future still. And because you can see it... You can prepare. You can act. You can change. And if you are very, very lucky... You can save. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 That we find ourselves on the same side of the border does not mean you are my countryman. You have used each breath in your body to select, control and destroy those who do not look like you or obey you. To speak the words that caused me pain, you learned a parlor trick. But I can show you what power truly is. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 ... I refused to be the rallying cry, the poster girl, the tale to be told... I had seen my legend corrupted once before, used by cruel men for cruel purposes. I worked in secret. I worked at Wonder Woman's side. Not because it might inspire. But because it needed to be done. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 The way to free you wasn't through brute force, Power Girl... We just needed understand each other. We needed to be kind to each other. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 You destroyed your homeworld because it had become corrupt... instead of staying to fight that corruption. You let billions die because you cared more about hurting your enemies than protecting those who could not defend themselves. You would have set up a system as foul as the one you wanted to strike down. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 The only one who can pardon you is beyond us all. I... regret and rescind what I said about wishing it had hurt. Of course it hurt... It will always hurt. But you are not redeemed by her loss. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 I cannot take her life, having known what it is to feel a life end. Those who have chosen what I have not... Their journeys have not been mine. I cannot sit in judgment upon them. What my actions here may one day cost... That price, I will pay. But today... in this moment... we must find another way. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 They were going to use us as weapons against our own people, 'sestrichka'... and disguise it... as propaganda. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 Hush, my 'starshaya sestra'. Every step we have taken, we have taken together. We were taught to be good, and we were taught to be careful. But in this world, sometimes, I do not think we can be the two at once. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 And for all that General Arkayn has done -- imprisoned our comrades, misled the Night Witches, deceived the high command... we are soviet, still. We love our people and our Motherland. Nothing will change that. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 It is my fault Ipati is gone! Kortni should be the girl with two fathers, and I am the reason she has none! They have blood, have birth, have a story together -- they are a family, and I am a foundling! I have done nothing but endanger the people I love. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

Quote1 Aquawoman -- What does Nereus mean, he'd "let you come home"?! I thought you went adventuring... All your talk of Diana, of running away for the fun of it... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (DC Bombshells)

All items (19)
