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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Kara Zor-El (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 My mother sent me on a mission to Earth to find my father's killer. The man with the Kryptonite touch, Reactron. I'm supposed to be in Metropolis right now, tracking him down. Instead, a woman I barely know is doing her best to stop me and send me home. I'm Supergirl. This is my life. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 That was supposed to be it for me. But then you happened. Everything I was thinking... every emotion in my body... every doubt I had inside... I saw all of them in your cracked face. You were like me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 "The hero the world doesn't need," Cat once wrote about me. Some days, though, it sure feels like it does. Though, if there weren't three kids missing, I'm not sure I'd help her. You can't say those kinds of things about a person then expect them to just fly up and give you a hand. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You have a life. You can be Clark, or Kal-El or Superman -- Who am I going to be? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Yes, he did. And countless others besides. But my father would want justice, not vengeance. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 My story isn't over. It's now about the journey. The truth is what we discover every day. Not just about ourselves, but within everyone. There will be different people who tell it differently, but it won't matter. I know now. There is only one Supergirl. And that's me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I can see... something. It looks like... like it's mixing in with the cells around it. I'm sorry, Lana. I'm so sorry. I should've noticed something was wrong. I should've been checking. If they can't fight it... if it continues to attack your system, does that mean... Did they tell you how long you have? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 A bunch of villains "conveniently" appear out of thin air minutes after we're both snapped by the app? I mean... really? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 That's one take. Another would be to say that you used your science magic to find the monsters and then you defeated them. You're a regular knight in shining armor, Henry Octavius Flyte. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Some days, people wake up and think they can change the world. Last week that was me. Me, when I decided to try and cure a boy named Thomas of inoperable cancer. But I failed... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I grew up on Krypton, didn't I? Everyone who did knows about Brainiac. He's what kept us from going out after dark. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Some of us try hard to make the world a better place than it was when we found it. I know that's what I try to do. I won't always be successful. But that's life. I'm Supergirl. This is my life ... and y'know what? I'm pretty happy with it. (For now at least.) Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I am exactly who you assume I am. Promise. My name is Kara Zor-El... Supergirl... and I am from a thousand years in your past. I am real... but you're not. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 "Fate"? Or "Luck"? Destiny himself told me how that thing fell into your hands thanks to some sorcerers called the Luck Lords! We've got to get it back before they scoop it up themselves! Otherwise, all time and... and whatever-- space-- is doomed! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 By attacking Zod, Ral-Dar has told them they're not. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 No. Not this time. I tried that once before, but he escaped. If we catch him this time, he comes with me. Back to New Krypton. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I wanted to show it to you. When my parents put me in that rocket, the one that brought me here -- this was the only thing that made the trip with me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Aren't we supposed to stop these cruisers from escaping, then call in the Science Police? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 That pillow fight doesn't sound half bad now, does it? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 It's funny, though. The stars are slightly different in the future, too. The people of Metropolis speak an unfamiliar language. Even being with a team of people that're like me... even after they've tried to hard to make me feel welcome... I still feel... I dunno... kinda lonesome. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I trained with Batman. With the Amazons. I know first level Klurkor. Just because I can't use heat vision doesn't mean I'm helpless. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You're asking for mercy? Like Agent Liberty got?! Like poor Mister Henderson!? Like my father!? You don't deserve mercy, you deserve a beating! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 This is my home. One of two that is. If I'm going to live on both, I'm going to have to learn to shoulder the problems of two worlds. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, right? After all, I'm Supergirl. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Today is my birthday. And it's the day I choose what guild I'm going to take. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Helping her is the idea, Mon. Either she accepts our help-- or I get to hit her really hard. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Thara, the only reason you're not eating your teeth right now... is that Lana asked me to keep the apartment in one piece. So now would be a good time for you to stop talking. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I'm sorry for not believing in you. You've told me since I was young that Rao and Flamebird and Nightwing and all of that was real. I-- I just-- the Flamebird has chosen you, and-- You've given me hope, Thara. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 A year ago, when I was at my lowest, a woman named Lana Lang helped me up. She and Kal had grown together. As far as I was concerned, that made her family. Lana offered me insight. Friendship. Guidance. I finally felt like I fit with someone. And then my parents came back and New Krypton happened and... well, even then she helped me however she could. Offered me advice when no one else would. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 No. They're not around. Lana is... was my family here. I have no one else right now. Not after... not after all I've been through. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I'm Kara Zor-El of Kandor, Queen. I'm a Super-Hero. I don't scare easily. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I want to become Linda Lang full-time. Just like Kara Zor-El, Supergirl is going away too. For Good. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 ... Guess it's time to beat up something besides myself. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Now that's what I call a close encounter Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Dr. Light was going to keep you. Run tests on you indefinitely. I couldn't let that happen. You deserve to be tried by your own people for your crimes. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You have doubts. You're unsure about what to do when confronted with something that could potentially kill you. You just want to run away from it all, but then you feel guilty for not trying hard enough. We're not opposites are we? Not like Kal and Bizarro-- Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 "Respected"? Says the woman who writes about how short my skirt is every other day, then blackmails my friends to get me to pull her fat out of the fire?! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Figures. Like all villains, once you're left standing alone, you're begging and cowardly. You tortured three little kids. Why should I let you do anything? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Please tell me you didn't just jump off this building so that I would catch you. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 My name is Kara Zor-El and this is my life. Four super freaks appearing out of thin air? Yeah, that's pretty much par for the course. The Junior Peanut Gallery taking pictures for their own amusement -- well, that's a recent development. Still, luckily for them -- I'm not shy in front of the camera! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 It's only a risk if you don't know what you're up against, Lois. And luckily, just this once... I seem to be ahead of the curve! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 They trusted me. All of them assumed-- well, maybe not Robin-- that because of who I was that I knew what was going on here. Unfortunately... that wasn't true! I hope for their sake that I'm right this time. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Kal-El's in a league of his own, Lois. But if anything should ever happen to him... I'll be ready and waiting to step up to the majors. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I don't want sound immodest here, but blending in and asking questions isn't exactly a job for Supergirl. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Robots... Why... did it have to be... robots? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 People like Supergirl, they have a way of sticking around. But you and me... Just... don't forget me, okay? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Consider me your new sidekick Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 This is how they see you. You're their champion. Bigger than life. No wonder the eyeglasses work -- Nobody would look for you dressed like them! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I ran into someone who's better than me. I was outclassed and this wasn't just me getting pummeled... so many innocent people paid the price. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 This was your brilliant idea, Kal! "Let's go camping on an alien world where our powers don't work," he says! Of course you left out several important details... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 If that's how he broke out, and it was outside of the cell...? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Titans are busy, all the other kids are in school, nobody's getting blown up or mugged or anything. For all the excitement around here today... I should've stayed in Kandor. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 That was nice, with the sound baffles, letting you sneak up on me. But this whole "swift death" thing? I'm thinking NO! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Donna Troy showed me how to "Google" myself, too. Guess people here have a problem with my costume. Most of the pictures I saw had erased it and added a spectacular level of anatomic detail. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Damn stupid outer space makes-no-sense MAZE! I'll get to Rann when I'm eighty and Green Lantern's going to be dead and the bad guys will win and it's all my fault for TRUSTING A DRUNK! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Kryptonite talon... I know how I'll die... I shouldn't know that... I shouldn't know... No... No, you don't... You die, too. They all do. Kal... Ma and Pa... We're so small... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Put her down or I'll make you eat your tail. Seriously, I can do it. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 It's nice to see you too, Robin. Stop me if you've heard this, but the gravelly voice thing is adorable. The "Li'l Batman" thing, not so much. We'll work on that. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Luck and I haven't been all that close lately. Try again. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Good... So what do we do to make the ghosts go away? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I am messed up. I make mistakes all the time... I feel stupid and scared and ugly and insecure, just like everybody else... but when I blow it, I don't shrivel up and die. I get myself up. I try to do better. I always try again. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I was messed up, Karen. Selfish... Scared... But I've changed. I'm changing. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Don't call me. Don't talk to me. Don't look at me... or I'll break every bone in your body. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You are the greatest man I've ever met, and I... I may be a monster, but we have to find a way... We have to find a way where our fathers failed. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I ran to him at super speed and flicked him in the head. I heat-visioned the barrel of the gun and was back in place before his feet left the ground. I have it under control. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Ugh. Kal told me this happens sometimes. A whole team works to take down the bad guy... and then one big fat Kryptonian punch ends it. It should feel like a win and yet... they're all looking at me like I did something wrong... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Slack, please. I had to hitchhike here with a creep who smelled like a Kryptonian babootch. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Three hours ago, I tried to force a peace settlement between the Queen of the Amazons and the President of the United States. Big Mistake. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 This is the one intact structure within a hundred miles that would agree to host us. That means no fighting! Anyone leaves so much as a scuffmark and they answer to me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Hang in there, Big Guy.You're SO not in this alone. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 To be honest, I'm not sure I've earned the right to use that name... or to even wear this uniform. But I'm hoping, with all of your help, I'll grow into it. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 It's okay. It's okay, Cassie. Whatever's happened... Whatever's coming next... We'll figure it out. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Cosmic Boy wasn't ever gonna be here, was he? This whole thing was a setup! Brainiac 5 wants me out of the way. Now I'll have to arrest him! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Oh. Well. That's a comfort. Because while you were off fondling your neurons, these walls went up! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I seem to remember telling you the last time we met don't call me "toots"! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Look, I'm not from around here, either... but even I know that there are easier ways to get to Japan than, like, straight down. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Cos, if you can hear this, we're in! Mon, Ultra Boy and I have pulled the shock troops back through the powersphere gate and nullified them-- we've secured the transmatter on this end-- and we're sending a second portal your way! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Wait! What are you doing to me? I thought you were my friends! All that stuff in my head about Krypton blowing up... Mom and Dad and... Everything... gone... It really wasn't a dream... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Wait, let me get this straight. You're... invulnerable? Probably can't get sick, right? Maybe immortal. You have power... beyond imagination... and you're using it... to rob a bank? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Mitch-- I broke him out of gail. I know he's not a nice guy. I just need him to build those machines. And who knows? Maybe... Maybe he's never had a chance to do something good. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Sometimes I wish I didn't have any memories of Krypton. Maybe then I'd be like you... maybe then I wouldn't miss it so much. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I don't care what I have to do. I don't care how long it takes. I'm going to bring him back. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Thanks. I'm sure there were a few times, particularly out there on the street, when you wanted to fly in-- but you let me handle it. It's the only way I'm going to learn, Kal. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Lyla. I'm going to miss you. More than you can even imagine. You were my first friend. You accepted me without any question. Maybe because as Harbinger you saw something in me that's worthwhile... Now all I have to do is find that thing. I'll try as hard as I can not to disappoint you... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Smile, Doomsday. You're about to meet the Superman Family. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Have a life... I can't do both, can I? You want me here. I have a life in Metropolis. Well, the start of one, anyway. I want to make our family work, I do. But which home should I pick? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Not that I mind you two talking about me like I'm not here... Well, actually, I do... Shouldn't I have something to say about where I'm going to live? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Do yourselves and each other a favor... Be yourself. It makes life a Hell of a lot easier. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I know how people react when Kryptonians cross a line, father. If we don't make it clear that hurting those policemen wasn't our intention-- they'll say we're as bad as General Zod's army. And they'll come after us. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Sir, please. My friend Green Lantern brought me here, but we got separated, and I need to catch up to him. It's crucial. I can pay for help. Trade coal for diamonds. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 SO... I spent years and years trapped inside a spaceship from Krypton. All alone on a dead rock from a dead world, and I promise you-- I will not be bound AGAIN! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I'm taking us home, and not you with your broken arm or anyone else can stop me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Is that really how it is? All the time? Am I going to have to watch people die knowing I wasn't fast enough or couldn't get to them in time? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I came out here the first time to cry. It's next to impossible to feel like you have any privacy in a city where everyone has superhearing. In space, though, no one can hear me grieve. My tears would boil, then instantly freeze in the vacuum. No evidence of weeping for anyone to see. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Mother, you have to listen to Kal. Earth is New Krypton's only chance for peace. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 So, are you all rejects of an intergalactic circus? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I just got angry, all right? We're trying to help these people and then they attack me, I lost it, I admit it, all right? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You're a disgrace to the House of El! It ends NOW! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Okay... you know what...? The two of you are really messed up. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 My mother sent me on a mission to Earth to find my father's killer. The man with the Kryptonite touch, Reactron. I'm supposed to be in Metropolis right now, tracking him down. Instead, a woman I barely know is doing her best to stop me and send me home. I'm Supergirl. This is my life. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 The Legion of Super-Heroes doesn't exist. I'm dreaming you. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I never thought it would be this fun, so I may as well enjoy being "Supergirl" for as long as it lasts-- because at some point, my parents will wake me up to celebrate my birthcycle! Baby Kal will be there, and Krypto-- and there'll be gifts and prayers and sunrise over the Argo City skyline-- Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You guys have a real robot problem. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Everyone's gone. And the stasis chambers are empty. Wherever Brainiac's gone to-- he's taken Dream Girl and Lemnos with him. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Funny, I'd gotten the impression that "Let's be friends" was just about the last thing a boy wants from a girl. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I... I used to think Krypton was gone, but... no... I'm going to wake up in my bed in Argo City. My mom and dad will be there... They'll finally treat me like a grownup... until then, I'll just... I'll keep dreaming up conversations like this... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Don't worry, boys. It tickles. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I don't know much. But if Superwoman is working with him, if they're searching for someone-- Then they'll find someone waiting. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You can't just arrive in Gotham City... and not tell... Batman. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Nothing like having your life shrunk down to some pop idol stereotype. I swear, there are days when I feel like I've only been on Earth for about ten minutes but everybody still thinks they know me. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 She's been a warrior. I can tell. I don't know if I could ever pull it all together like she has... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You better pray this stuff comes out of my hair... Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I promise you, Thomas. I am not going to let you die! Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Was that a nuke? Did he just nuke me? Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 I promised a kid that I'd cure his cancer, and I'd like your help. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 You've got a decision to make. I'm not going to say I understand what you must be going through, because I don't, but I do know something about it. I wasn't born this way. I was a normal kid, with a normal life. No flying, no heroics. I wanted to be an astronaut. Then my planet... my world... started to tear itself apart. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Some days you wake up and want to change the world. Others, you just want to break that same world in two. But most of the time you just have to get on with the business of living. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)

Quote1 Cat Grant is a total snagriff. Quote2

--Kara Zor-El (New Earth)
Quote1 Did you know there is no word for "Escape" in my language? Quote2
Kara Zor-El (New Earth)[src]

All items (118)
