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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Nabu (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 His soul is that of a champion, his flesh the physical incarnation of a perfect balance between chaos and order. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 Petey -- go suck a Milk Bone will ya? Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 Humans are worthless, groveling worms worthy only of contempt and painful extermination. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 This body is under my protection. No harm can come to it. A pity the same can't be said for you and your brothers. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 I don't think Nelson would mind me using his body, do you? After all, it's for a good cause-- and Nelson loved a good cause. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 Don't lecture me on what it means to be Doctor Fate. I picked you for the job. I know all about it. Now stop the temper tantrums before I give you a spanking. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 These shall be your garments, Kent Nelson. From this day on you shall be -- Doctor Fate. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 Oh, great... you're talking like Shakespeare's retarded uncle again! Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

Quote1 We're here-- to prepare the way for the true Doctor Fate. Quote2

--Nabu (New Earth)

All items (10)
