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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Oliver Queen (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Yeah, yeah. You got your admirers. But that's only because people love a good trainwreck. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Her name is Dinah Drake Lance, but she's known as the Black Canary. She's a force of nature, utterly unstoppable when innocent lives are on the line. When other girls were applying to college, she was mastering the ancient arts of judo and jiu-jitsu -- which means she doesn't even need to use her superpowers to kick your butts. She's got a voice like a hurricane, a heart like a furnace and for some stupid reason, even after everything I do to push her away... she loves me. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've failed this city. I've left it alone and left the people I should be protecting exposed. I'm never going to let that happen again. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Okay, see right here, this! This... is why everybody hates your rogues gallery. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Okay, see right here, this! This... is why everybody hates your rogues gallery. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You think the killer might have daddy issues? Eureka, you solved the crime! I'm pretending to tweet it now. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Because on Christmas... even the bad guys deserve a happy ending. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I can't sit on the sidelines and do nothing. I won't. The last time I did, I watched people die. People I could have saved. People I should have saved. That's not going to happen again. Not as long as I can do something about it. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Humans have free will. No trick of a chip can circumvent that. They can get their own tune-ups -- out here. Where it's real. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Don't know about you, buddy, but that chick you run with is twisted. She's going down, and taking you with her. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This place is all about saving face, right? Well I got egg fu yung on mine. This has got to get ugly. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Wow. Nice swordplay. Thanks. You must be Suzie Ming. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Take the hit off my head, Harrow, or I'll shoot out your other eye. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Whoever Komodo is, he's made the mistake of under-estimating me. Treating me like a child... but that child died on that island. And he's not coming back. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 What do you think? Realizing you bit off more than you can chew? With or without teeth. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 So what if we don't have millions of dollars to make trick arrows anymore? Maybe the bottom isn't such a bad place to find a new way to be Green Arrow... a better way. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I almost feel like I'm back there -- only I'm not fighting for my survival anymore... I'm fighting for hers. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 And this daily challenge isn't just for me. It's for all of us. With technology, without technology -- the goal should be the same. Do more. Be more. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Just because he raised you as a monster doesn't mean you have to become one! Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 B-Brick? Jesus... Dragon really called in the D-Listers, didn't he? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've neglected Seattle and people have been hurt because of my recklessness. No more. This is on me. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've failed this city. I've left it alone and left the people I should be protecting exposed. I'm never going to let that happen again. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 On second thought, maybe I'll just hit the hay. It's not like there's a calamity every night. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 They say the moon makes people go crazy, they say the moon brings out the beast. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My dog, my sister, my city, my responsability. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Go ahead: punch me. Kick me, stab me, shoot me. Make my skull into a bowl and my innards into party streamers. But don't touch my dog. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm cut-up, beat-up, half-drowned. My left eye can't focus. My right knee feels full of broken glass. A broken rib dagger-jabs me with every breath. But it's my heart that truly hurts. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've committed myself to helping those who are marginalized … without truly knowing what it means to be disadvantaged, wronged, viewed as other. Maybe this is a way to become a better hero and person, to learn empathy. Maybe Lukos is the diagnosis and the cure. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Suit up. A war is brewing. And neither side is worth fighting for. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Not to sound rude, Miss, but it's time for you to get the hell out of here. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My city is at war. My body is at war. My world is at war. How could I ever hope to find a cure? It would take a miracle... Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This can't end, because there's no end to hate. The best I can offer, for those who want it, is a cure. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Nine times out of ten, if they get chatty once they've got the drop on you, they don't want to kill you. Not unless you give them no choice. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 What's that line from King Lear? "Nothing will come of nothing." Sometimes I wonder... Why not jettison Queen and live just as Green Arrow? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This royal "we" you always speak in. Don't you have your own minds? How do I even know which one you are? How do I tell you apart? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I figure that gold mine on the mountain is in your patch. That's your gold in them hills. How about we forget all this hangin' talk? I go up there and liberate your gold for you. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Hey, everybody … We're back! Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Dinah lost faith in me. Everyone's gone ... even Oliver Queen. Who's left to believe in? No one but Green Arrow. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm outgunned and outplanned. But I want to keep fighting. I want to bloody my knuckles down to the bone and nock my bow until my bowstring snaps. But too many people have sacrificed too much for me. Dying isn't an option. These monsters have their team. I've got mine. A quiver. And whoever the fourth horseman is...we'll look forward to taking him down, along with the rest. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've never been religious, but I get the compulsion. Especially the way the sermons and the Bible stories make sense of this dark world. But the only truths that have ever resonated with me come from fairy tales. I'm not talking about the animated movies that feature cute animals and musical numbers...in which goodness is rewarded and evil is punished. I'm talking about the old fairy tales. My mother used to read them to me out of a leather book that smelled like mushrooms. They felt truest. In them, loved ones die and evil runs wild. Chaos Rules. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Despite what you may have heard, I am alive. And I'm innocent of any crimes leveled against me. I made a mistake. I've been hiding from everyone. Even myself. But not anymore. I don't belong in the shadows. I know who I am. My name is Oliver Queen, and I an here to take back control of my company. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Look at what my father and his name...my name have done here. How is Green Arrow supposed to go national with this fight if he couldn't even take care of his own backyard? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Remember what you were saying before? About how limited my "powers" are? You can eat those words. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's not you, Luthor. It's the people. name is only as good as the people who work for you. All the skeletons in all their closets have come tumbling out. And they're being publicly ruined and shamed. I've been trying to tell you. The Ninth Circle is made up of the people who are twelve steps ahead of the guy...who's twelve steps ahead of everyone else. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Enough time has passed...I feel like we need to get properly reintroduced. I'm Oliver Queen...also known as the only green-themed superhero who actually matters. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm beyond grateful for the offer and for all the help you've given me on this mission. But let's be honest. I'm never going to be the best team player. So how do you feel about a compromise? I serve the Justice League as a kind of...rogue operative. A satellite agent? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You saw what that arrow did to the Dark Robin. It was the Nth Metal, Damian. Don't you see? Those things might have won this round, but because of you... now we know how to kill them. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Mother?! But how? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The Queens have lost their way. Seattle has lost its way. There's no future if we don't salvage the past. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm innocent. So stay tuned. Because if I go down... I'm going to go down swinging. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I hear Jonesy's scream. I see Slade's smile. His bullet clicks into place in the chamber. And I know it's either die here and let this town be bled dry...or do what I came here to do. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Not my fight? You're putting lives in danger. That is always my fight. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 But sometimes that's all you need to be a hero. The willingness to bleed for someone else. To fight for someone else. And let's be honest, an ego the size of Texas helps, too. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Even the slightest twitch is agony. And that animal part of me screams to stop, to run, to save myself. But I'm more than just an animal. We both are. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Change isn't easy. Sometimes you choose it, other times it takes you by surprise. When it does, you have to figure out if you're the arrow in your own story... or the target. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm sorry I wasn't the man you needed me to be. And I'm sorry I didn't see it until now... you were a better man than I. But I love you, son. Good-bye, Roy. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Justice isn't as simple as a button click. It requires careful consideration of all the evidence. Which is exactly what the police and our judicial system will do for the Citizen. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Now answer honestly... would you rather keep trying to convince me I'm a big, mushy sad sack...? ...Or do you wanna go fight a damn super-villain with the man you love? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He doesn't need your pity, Werner. And neither do I. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's one thing to lose everything. It's another to throw it all away yourself. If I hit this trigger, Oliver Queen will die. No money. No company. There will be nothing left... except Green Arrow. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm a survivor. I'm Oliver Queen. And when you do overstep your bounds -- and you will -- it won't be an empty box you're facing. It'll be me. See you soon. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Looks like his dinner was interrupted. I hope that cranky bastard's okay. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I wait for a streak of lightning or a bird to fly by. I wait for some kind of divine intervention to point the way. But there's nothing. So I do what I did the last time. I tell God to go screw himself. I'll find my own way home. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 All right, kid. You're convinced you're a genius... Time to prove it! Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He can't kill me... without killing us. Because Green Arrow isn't one man. We're a family. We're a forest. We're a quiver. And together, we make our own light. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He can't kill me... without killing us. Because Green Arrow isn't one man. We're a family. We're a forest. We're a quiver. And together, we make our own light. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You're Aquaman, and I'm the Arrow. So let's keep our heads on straight and fix it. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Give it to us again... but this time, pretend we don't really understand time-travel, and the we haven't spent years building a time machine out of sticks in some secret volcano. Because we don't, and we haven't. Right? Okay...? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Who is powerful enough to take out the Hall of Justice? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You got something you always wanted, Arthur. Not everybody got so lucky. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 That's your opinion of the legendary G.A./G.L. team? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 ... because there's not a world where we don't belong together, pretty bird. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Red Volcano—flame powers, earth-cracking powers. Oh, and he's a robot, just to make things worse. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Did we just figure out who is behind this? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Shooting arrows isn't the biggest change that happened to me on the island. Before I washed up on that beach, I never considered myself a family man. Never wanted to settle down. Or have kids. But again, the universe has different ideas for me... Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's why no matter what I do in this life... I'm always stranded... Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Now you know. This is why our family is always kept apart... Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Hal told me all about you. Some rogue fragment of a lost world in the Multiverse. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I was trying to figure out if you were a robot, hologram or dream. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Did you really do all this because I beat you in a shoot out years ago? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Just some theater to get you to talk. Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Holy ****, girl. Where have you been? Quote2

--Oliver Queen (Prime Earth)

All items (82)
