DC Database

The Black Queen was an enemy of Shining Knight.

The noted chess player Olga Romanoff worked with crook Ivan to plan jewelry thefts. Her plans involved diversions and sacrifice. While she distracted museum guards with a black queen costume and two crooks pretending to steal a 13th century chess set, other crooks stole the Beverly diamonds instead. Shining Knight fell for it, but quickly realized she was a chess player and uncovered her identity.

Black Queen figured she could be unmasked, but her attempt to scrub newspaper records of her name was too late. So she challenged Shining Knight to come to her castle. Laden with chess-themed traps, she thought she would be safe, but she was easily apprehended and sent to jail.

  • This version of Olga Romanoff (Earth-Two), including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985–86 Crisis on Infinite Earths event and later restored following the rebirth of the infinite Multiverse during the Dark Crisis of 2022-2023. Even though other versions of the character may have appeared, this information does not apply to those versions.


