DC Database

Frank is a newspaper and coffee vendor near the Daily Planet building.

After Clark Kent revealed that he is an alien from another world, he walked down the street observing the reactions of people as they saw him. Frank gave Clark a paper for free, telling him about all the good he had done for Metropolis. Later Clark reversed time in order to protect everyone he loved.

One year later Frank serves Chloe Sullivan and Stephen Swift coffee while they are talking about talk about how he got his powers. Later, while Chloe gets some coffee from Frank, he asks her if she always works this late, she answers all night, every night. He asks her what job makes her work so long, she answers it is an NPO that helps people in need. He says trying to save the world, she answers all night every night.

A few month later in Metropolis at a news stand, Lionel Luthor was buying a newspaper. Frank said he looked familiar and Lionel responded by saying he just came in from out of town for an unexpected visit and that it looked like he got there in the nick of time. Lionel added that he would not want to miss how it all turned out before walking away into a crowd.

Six months after Superman showed up, Frank received the morning edition of Daily Planet newspaper talking about alien life of Apokolips, he commented on how he never seen the paper sell so quickly before.

Later when Clark is buying a newspaper from Frank, Lex Luthor appears and also buys a paper. Frank who cannot break change for a hundred, leading Lex to say the next 50 or so newspapers are free.

  • Franks name was never been mentioned within the TV series. He was first named in the Smallville Season 11 comics.


