DC Database

To recoup their losses, the Palomarisian military invaded the planet Maltus, but did not expect retaliation from a Green Lantern. Moreover, the Green Lantern that fought against them, was one of the Corps' more violent officers, Guy Gardner. Guy Gardner used his power ring to destroy the alien f

The planet Palomaris was decimated during the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, and as a result, they found themselves in dire need of resources - specifically female Palomarisians.


To recoup their losses, the Palomarisian military invaded the planet Maltus, but did not expect retaliation from a Green Lantern. Moreover, the Green Lantern that fought against them, was one of the Corps' more violent officers, Guy Gardner. Guy Gardner used his power ring to destroy the alien fleet, leaving the ship's pilots to fend for themelves. Fortunately, nearly all of them survived, but were forced to abandon their attack plans against Maltus.

See Also
