DC Database

Captain Marvel's very first emergency, instigated by his very first supervillain, was the 1940 attack against the entire radio broadcasting industry, made by Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana. Billy Batson learned the identity and address of the maniac scientist, and tried to report them to Sterling Morr

Whiz Radio is the premiere media conglomerate of Fawcett City. Billy Batson has the distinction of being WHIZ Radio's youngest correspondent.


Captain Marvel's very first emergency, instigated by his very first supervillain, was the 1940 attack against the entire radio broadcasting industry, made by Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana. Billy Batson learned the identity and address of the maniac scientist, and tried to report them to Sterling Morris, General Manager of Amalgamated Broadcasting, and its flagship station, WHIZ Radio. He didn't convince Mr. Morris of his story's truth, but while he was being shooed out of the office, he did convince Morris to offer him a job in exchange for catching the criminals.

Shortly later, Captain Marvel had captured Sivana, for the first of many times, and Billy's story was proven. Sterling Morris honored his bargain and hired the lad, who quickly became a very popular announcer and reporter for WHIZ, and remained so for many years.


  • Radio programs on WHIZ included the "Marvel Family Round Table," featuring the actual Round Table of the legendary King Arthur.[citation needed]

See Also


  • None.

