DC Database

Captain Gabi Kane is the mother of Kate Kane, who later became Batwoman, and her identical twin Elizabeth Kane.

A member of the US Army's 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade,[1] she married another soldier, Jacob Kane. Both Kanes worked extensively with military intelligence services, and often moved as a result, even after their children were born.

Eventually, the Kanes moved from Fort Bragg, North Carolina to Brussels, Belgium, since the parents were now serving at NATO. The family, however, was torn apart due to a terrorist attack. As Gabi was taking her daughters for their 12th birthday, they were kidnapped by heavily armed men. Military intelligence eventually located the hostages, and Jacob was put in charge of the tactical unit sent to rescue them. However, they were too late, as Gabi had been executed along with Elizabeth. Jacob rescued Kate himself, but she was traumatized by the sight of her dead mother and sister.[1]


  • At some point, Gabi earned the Basic Parachutist Badge[1], which her daughter Kate would also earn years later.[2]
  • Gabi had a tattoo of the Special Forces arrowhead sleeve insignia on her upper right arm, which Kate later copied.


