DC Database

Quote1 Well... that could have gone better. Quote2
Siren src

Usurping The Throne

Just soon after Arthur made contact with Extriax and the refugees of the other Atlantis, Hila began to impersonate Mera and proceeded to drive Arthur out of the kingdom out of rage and disgust over risking the sanctity of his & her kingdom for the sake of a bunch of motley refugee's.[1]

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  • Atlantean Physiology: The Atlanteans are offshoots of humanity that are biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment. All their abilities are by-products of their bodies being adapted to survive unprotected in the tremendous pressures of the ocean depths.
  • Magic: Siren is a mystic entity called a Shifter, a master of deception and illusion.[2]
    • Shape-shifting: Hila was able to make herself look exactly like her sister.
    • Illusion Casting
    • Hydrokinesis: Hila was not taught the secret of water bending like her sister. Instead she has been augmented through the magic of the Thule to receive hydrokinesis that rivals her sisters. She has very fine control making it take whatever shape or form she chooses, allowing her to create "hard water" objects, reshaping volumes of water into simple geometric shapes or complex forms like working hands. Hila can either increase water density within her immediate vicinity to pin a super-atlantean against a wall,[1] or even rip ones blood right out of their bodies.[3]


  • Deception: Able to commandeer the throne of Atlantis from Arthur while convincing his people that he was a prophesied destroyer of all.
  • Swimming


  • Trident of Neptune: During her coop of Atlantis, Hila took the Trident of Neptune into her possession. When she and the Coven were defeated by Aquaman and his allies, the trident was reclaimed by the true king.[4](Formerly)

  • Siren is also known as the Queen of Atlantis, though only she calls herself that.



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