DC Database

Thesily was the ruler of Atlantis following the reign of the late monarch, Pletus (who was killed during the giant jellyfish invasion).

Thesily had a great passion for the people of Atlantis, but his policies and ego often came into conflict with that of another former Atlantean monarch - Aquaman. Thesily's attempts at diplomacy were often misguided, and he all but blamed Aquaman for the devastation that struck the capital city of Poseidonis during the Oumland affair. In fact, it was actually King Thesily who attacked Oumland over a minor border dispute, which perpetuated the latter's attack against the undersea kingdom. As this flareup evolved into an international incident, Thesily appointed Minister F'ancha to serve as Atlantis' liaison to the United Nations.

A short time later, Thesily's jealousy towards his predecessor and his newfound son Koryak finally got the better of him. Moving in secret to the Surface World in order to put a contract out on the former king of the sea, he hired the assassin Deadline to do away with his potential rival for a hefty sum of Altantean gold.[1] He was present in the Atlantean Royal Palace when the entire continent began to slowly rise out of the sea due to stirrings beneath it. The ensuing quakes caused massive collateral damage and Thesily was killed when attempting to murder Koryak himself as a piece of debris fell on top of him.[2]


  • Atlantean Physiology: Like all Atlanteans, Thesily lived beneath the sea and as such, his physical heartiness was sufficient enough to survive living beneath the ocean depths. Accompanying this was an enhanced strength level, several times greater than a normal human being.


  • Diplomacy: To the people under his rule, Thesily was a kind and compassionate leader. Only those closest to him knew of his egocentric behavior in relation to Aquaman.
  • Leadership: King Thesily made great strides in turning Atlantis into a world power. It was under his reign that Atlantis received representation at the United Nations.


  • Asphyxiation: Atlanteans can only exist outside of water for a limited period of time or else they will dehydrate, asphyxiate and ultimately die.



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