DC Database

The Mammonites were a secret society established some five-hundred years ago. The objective of the society was to establish a monogamous cultural identity that promoted strong Anglican values and a structure of economic and social balance. They accomplished this by a program of educating disparate i


The Mammonites were a secret society established some five-hundred years ago. The objective of the society was to establish a monogamous cultural identity that promoted strong Anglican values and a structure of economic and social balance. They accomplished this by a program of educating disparate immigrant peoples while providing them with the illusion of free will. Their influence extended into the halls of the Christian church – which based their paradigm on what the Mammonites considered “a tamable God”. With the church under its control, the Mammonites waged a silent war against the smaller pagan religions, steadfastly diminishing their influence over the course of several decades. Their progress was often fraught with numerous setbacks ranging from upswellings of mysticism, renegade philosophies and primitivism movements.

By the 1600s, the Mammonites were manipulating the process of colonization in the new world. They discovered a new adversary in the form of the continent’s indigenous tribal population. The Native Americans’ spirituality and commitment to the environment represented an anathema to the Society’s objectives. They believed that what was natural in the wilderness was a cancer in the body of their culture. They believed that even the smallest threat from the “inherent savagery” of the untamed regions against the carefully balanced structure of civilization was too dangerous to confidently ignore. They advocated the politically charged process of manifest destiny and aided in the genocidal near-extermination of the Native American tribes. By the 20th century, the Mammonite agenda had established a firm and permanent foothold in the American structure of life.

In the mid 1960s, the Mammonites learned of a cultural shift that threatened the stability of their order. An animal totem spirit known as White-Buffalo-Woman had taken human form and established herself as a spiritual guru in the populous California regions. White-Buffalo-Woman introduced a mystical narcotic known as Ghostdancing. Through the Ghostdance, she was able to help others find cosmic enlightenment and a grass roots resurgence of spirituality commonly referred to as the hippie movement was born.

The Mammonites took measures to quash the hippie revolution but met with minimal success. By 1973, the Society used their contacts in the federal government to destabilize the hippie culture from within. They assigned a man known only as Agent Cody to infiltrate White-Buffalo-Woman’s circle of friends and destroy them. Cody staged an FBI raid on a hippie commune in Park Ridge, South Dakota and abducted White-Buffalo-Woman. Through a harrowing process of drugs and abuse, he broke her connection to the spirit-plane, and the hippie movement itself died soon after.

A short time later, the Mammonites learned that White-Buffalo-Woman had given birth to a child that was destined to usher in a new age of spiritual purification known as the Fifth World. They took the infant into their care and raised him at a quarantine camp in Fort Edgar, California. The child (named Brother Christopher by the Mammonites) displayed feats of remarkable psychic prowess. Keeping him sequestered from the modern world, they carefully monitored his abilities over the course of two decades. They told Christopher that his birth mother died when he was still an infant.

In 1995, Brother Christopher discovered that his mother was in fact alive, and being held prisoner by Agent Cody. He stole a vehicle and broke out of the Mammonite compound. He met an animal totem spirit known as Coyote-Old-Man who assisted him in rescuing his mother. Brother Christopher learned of his destiny and awakened the spirit animal within him. He became the Snake of change and peeled back the mystic barriers separating the spirit planes from the physical world. The age of the Fifth World had arrived and the Mammonite Society failed to preserve the ideological structure that they had preserved for the past five-hundred years.


  • It has been speculated that the Mammonite society may have had ties to Freemasonry. The Mammonite logo, as seen on the wall of the Fort Edgar director's office, bore a striking resemblance to the miter/square symbol, which is characteristic of the Freemasons.

See Also


  • None.

