DC Database

The Mobius Chair is a time-space/dimensional vehicle operated by Metron. It allows him to travel and observe the universe.


The Mobius Chair is a time-space/dimensional vehicle operated by Metron. It allows him to travel and observe the universe.

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New 52

The chair is a created by Mobius, also known as the Anti-Monitor, to assist in his quest for knowledge. He later gave it to Metron, but it was taken from him by Batman. After the events of the Darkseid War Owlman took control of it for a short time, taking Grid with him inside of the chair. However, when Owlman, Grid, Metron, and the Mobius chair arrived on the moon, they met a mysterious force that killed them all, leaving the Mobius Chair vacant.[1]


The Mobius Chair is Metron's technological masterpiece and allows him to cross space-time and interdimensional barriers. Its only known power source is Element X. Some of its functions resemble a Mother Box, such as:

  • Interstellar/Teleportation Travel: The Mobius Chair's main capability is to travel and teleport through space, time and other dimensions in a matter of mere seconds. It can also fly.
  • Life Support: The Mobius Chair enables its user to survive the rigors of space and others environments.
  • Omniscience: Contains all knowledge of the New Gods, maps and history of all locations visited by Metron.
  • Danger and Life Sense
  • Holograms: Creates holograms to distract his enemies or display information.[2]
  • Force Fields: It has a powerful force field to protect itself from any attacks and can also be used to contain enemies. Even metahumans with the power to phase cannot cross this field.[2]
  • Tractor-Beam: It has a powerful tractor-beam that can pull a planet.

See Also

