DC Database

"Higher Consciousness": Bleez sinks – struggling – down into the depths of the Blood Ocean on Ysmault, having been thrown in by Atrocitus. He intends for the ocean to restore to Bleez some control of her intelligence over her Red Lantern rage.

Quote1 I'm not interested in your subtleties! Quote2

Red Lanterns #3 is an issue of the series Red Lanterns (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2012. It was published on November 2, 2011.

Synopsis for "Higher Consciousness"

Bleez sinks – struggling – down into the depths of the Blood Ocean on Ysmault, having been thrown in by Atrocitus. He intends for the ocean to restore to Bleez some control of her intelligence over her Red Lantern rage. Rage, pain, and hatred cloud her mind as Bleez plummets further downward. Suddenly, among the ancient bones on the bottom of the ocean, Bleez achieves some clarity. As she pushes for the surface, she is assaulted by a torrent of memories: her mother's murder at the hands of her erstwhile Sinestro Corps suitor; her subsequent torture on Ranx. Bleez screams.

Meanwhile on Earth, Raymond Moore is confronting Baxter, his grandfather's murderer, outside of Baxter's home. Lighting a homemade firebomb, his attack is ruined by the arrival of his brother, Jack. They fight as Jack attacks his brother for being dangerously foolish, but he soon stands down, refusing the see the point in getting angry. Raymond smashes him in the mouth and accuses him of cowardice.

Back on the shore of the Blood Ocean, Bleez is confronting Atrocitus. Atricitus expects gratitude for having returned her intelligence, but Bleez is furious and traumatised from the consequential return of her memories. To alleviate the trauma and expedite her assistance with controlling his Red Lanterns, Atrocitus takes Bleez back to her homeworld, Havania. Bleez is unimpressed until Atrocitus reveals that he had recently learned the identity of two jilted former suitors of hers, Count Liib and Baron Ghazz. As an act of revenge, these two had arranged the attention of the Sinestro Corps suitor who was ultimately responsible for her torture on Ranx. Before Bleez acts on this intelligence, she insists on visiting her dead mother's crypt. Atrocitus is appalled at this sentimentality, but acquiesces when Bleez highlights his own veneration for his long dead family. Bleez carefully spits on her mother's face for constantly arranging all the suitors that caused so much grief, before tearing off to attack the House of Count Liib. She and Atrocitus catch the Count and Baron as they try to escape, not wasting any time in tearing the Baron's head off. Count Liib pleads for his life and Bleez threatens to grant it to him so that he may live the rest of his life in fear and contemplation of any future visit form her. Atrocitus is unimpressed with Bleez's subtleties and slaughters Liib on the spot.

After returning to Ysmault, Atrocitus discovers that Bleez has a natural influence over the other Red Lanterns. He is simultaneously impressed and concerned, for he suddenly finds himself wondering if Bleez had created the upheaval among his Lanterns in order to force Atrocitus' hand in returning her intelligence. He will have to be careful of Bleez...

Appearing in "Higher Consciousness"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Baxter
  • Count Liib (Flashback and main story) (Dies)
  • Baron Ghazz (Flashback and main story) (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • Raymond Moore
  • John Moore
  • Lady Bluuz (Appears only as a corpse)
  • Krona (Appears only as a corpse)


  • Small Ockdon



See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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