DC Database

Shayera Thal is a Thanagarian Police officer. She is the illegitimate daughter of Thanagarian Minister For Protection Andar Pul and an underage girl named Shayera Thal, Shayera (who was named after her mother) was raised in a slum in Downside after being abandoned as an infant, but was eventually adopted by her grandfather, who raised her as his own daughter.

As an adult, Shayera became a police officer, one of the Wingmen, and she and her partner Katar Hol were sent to Earth as goodwill ambassadors following a failed Invasion in which Thanagar had participated. There, they were attached to the Chicago Police Department, but also adopted the identities of two vanished costumed heroes, Katar becoming the new Hawkman and Shayera following in the footsteps of Shiera Sanders as Hawkwoman.

They fought crime together for some time and began to form a deep emotional attachment, but when Katar became the living avatar of a Hawk God, he terminated his relationship with Shayera, who retired from superheroing and became a cop in Detroit. She eventually returned to Thanagar and her former life, joining the Army, but was murdered by the Tamaranean Queen Komand'r (AKA Blackfire) during the Rann–Thanagar War.


  • Thanagarian Physiology: As a Thanagarian, Shayera Thal possesses several gifts that are common to members of her race, but set her apart from normal humans. A Thanagarian's life span is significantly greater than that of a normal human being. In the prime of her life, Shayera was actually older than many of Earth's senior citizens. A Thanagarian is also physically heartier than the average Earth human. They are stronger, with greater stamina and a greater resistance to pain. Thanagarians also possess enhanced senses.
  • Enhanced Vision: Shayera's eyesight is more acute than a normal human and her range of vision is similar to that of a bird.
  • Enhanced Hearing: Her auditory senses are also particularly acute and she can perceive sounds with greater clarity than the average human.


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Shayera Thal is an expert at hand-to-hand combat and employs a wide range of weaponry as part of her crime-fighting arsenal.
  • Multilingualism: Through the use of the Absorbascon, Shayera Thal is fluent in many Earth languages. Her unique physiology also enables her to verbally communicate with birds.


