DC Database


Does anybody else think this page is ugly and has a lot of unnecessary links? Kyletheobald (talk) 02:06, September 23, 2013 (UTC)

Definitely a WTF on the majority of the links. Tiger, the DP character, and Dark Avatar follow the logic of needing a dab page. As do the BTAS episode.
I really don't see the point to including individual issues - the noise to information ratio starts getting to high - but I guess it could be argued if "Avatar" is key to the story title.
But the rest... I've almost never see the deities refereed to in story as "the Avatar of Foo" in story. And while some of the DCU specific concepts - Green, Red, etc - do use "Avatar of" in story, I'd be expecting two things:
  1. The link to be to a list, and
  2. The articles to actually have the term in place some where and explain it.
None of these do that.
- Byfield (talk) 03:01, September 23, 2013 (UTC)
All the gods can go. The DP villain needs some better description. Tiger needs an image of him as Avatar. --Tupka217 05:21, September 23, 2013 (UTC)