DC Database

Bad guy[]

It's been years since I read this, so I'm only half-remembering that plot, but didn't he start out as either an engineer or scientist working with the Prometheum? I thought he was caught in an accident, not that he stole it while working for Alchemy. Kyletheobald (talk) 11:15, 18 March 2022 (UTC)

Agree, Not a Bad Guy[]

I agree. This seems to be wrong. Calhoun is working for Kord when Alchemy attempts the theft. Ted describes him as the "best metal man in the business" He is actually injured trying to stop Alchemy. I think there may be some confusion with a character called Ed Buckley, who was reluctantly working for Calculator after he cannot get a job based upon prior criminal history. Ted offers Buckley a job after he saves Beetle during the fight with Calculator. Shamanbaptist (talk) 17:50, 14 August 2022 (UTC)
