DC Database

Merge with Daniel Garrett (New Earth)

I see no reason for two separate pages. Ted Kord does just fine with one. ;-)DrJohnnyDiablo 09:00, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Wouldn't that also apply to many of the other Earth-Four characters too, though? Un less they're all to be deleted, I'd say leave this one where it is Also, there's a separate page for Daniel Garret (Earth-Four), the original version-but as far as I know, he's never appeared in any DC title excepta cameo in The Golden Age, and I can't imagine there were two completely unrelated characters with near identical names calling themselves Blue Beetle on Earth-Four. Logically, Dan Garret should be given a new universe designation ('Daniel Garret (Fox), maybe?)and until that's sorted, Dan Garrett (Earth-Four), the guy who actually shared continuity with Blue Beetle and the rest, needs to stay where he is...Tony ingram 09:13, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

OK, on the Ted Kord thing, he actually does have an Earth-Four page. Oops! I say merge that one as well. In fact, Tony, I would merge many of the Earth-Four pages with their New Earth counterparts. As far as Dan with the single "t" goes, he probably should be called "Daniel Garret (Fox)" or something else. DrJohnnyDiablo 09:21, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Dan Garret (Fox) would be my choice, too. If you really want to clean up the duplicate characters though, the Earth-Four ones aren't in half as much of a mess as the Earth-X ones; we have separate Earth-X and New Earth pages for some Freedom Fighters (despite the fact that they all originated on Earth Two pre-Crisis, not Earth X), others have an Earth-Twpo and a New Earth entry, and other Earth-X characters are listed who would logically never have visited that world at all. By comparison, about five redundant Earth-Four pages are nothing! Tony ingram 09:28, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

I agree on the Earth-X pages. I don't think that all of the Quality characters (except the Kid Eternity-related ones, of course) should automatically be listed as Earth-X characters. I'd prefer New Earth designations for the most part. Exceptions would include the Blackhawks and Plastic Man because their histories are a little more complex with regard to parallel-Earth counterparts. DrJohnnyDiablo 09:45, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Likewise Martha Roberts, who had three distinct incarnations on three separate Earths (but I sorted that one out awhile ago). Tony ingram 09:49, July 4, 2011 (UTC)
